Sergey Prilukin
Sergey Prilukin
My version of `NPE`: ``` Argument for @NotNull parameter 'mergeRequestListWorker' of com/ppolivka/gitlabprojects/merge/list/GitLabMergeRequestListDialog. must not be null java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'mergeRequestListWorker' of com/ppolivka/gitlabprojects/merge/list/GitLabMergeRequestListDialog. must not be null at com.ppolivka.gitlabprojects.merge.list.GitLabMergeRequestListDialog.$$$reportNull$$$0(
Started from semantic-ui-react `0.87.3` error property is not only `true|false` it has the following type: `error?: boolean | SemanticShorthandItem` If `error` property is a string or an object - a...
1+ need this fix for typescript