Sebastian Porto

Results 53 comments of Sebastian Porto

I would like this too, I have a couple of places with `Debug.log` that we want to keep. We are disabling the whole rule because of this, which is not...

green -V Green 3.4.1, Coverage 6.3.2, Python 3.9.12 I tried this in PopOS (Ubuntu 21.10) and MacOS (Intel mac) with the same result. This only happens when you try to...

Hi @evancz, could we please merge this fix? This is becoming a real issue as more developers are moving to Macs M1 and using Docker.

@avh4 We tried downloading the binary for linux manually from releases and run it inside Docker on a M1. It works, but it is very slow. Unsure what is going...

@lydell We used `node:lts-buster`. One of my collegues tried this as I don't have an M1 myself. The dockerfile is something like ``` FROM node:lts-buster@sha256:a6c217d7c8f001dc6fc081d55c2dd7fb3fefe871d5aa7be9c0c16bd62bea8e0c RUN apt-get update RUN curl...

I have tried deploying a Rust web app in Now and failed. My deployment just died after 15 mins. My app takes longer to compile from scratch. I don't know...

I have tried many things for deploying a Rocket app, including Heroku. So far Render has been the only service that provided me with a good experience. +1, will use...

The tutorial shows how to write a test but there is no mention about how to run them. Please explain this. Also I have a `actor Main` in the my...

For me dune-release wants to push the tags to `git://` ``` Push tag 0.3.0-7-g6ea32f3 to git:// [Y/n] ``` This fails with ` You can't push to git://` But my remote...

@lazarljubenovic I will try to explain the way I understand what these are. Many languages let you define an "atom" type. e.g. in ruby you can use symbols e.g. `:hello`,...