Sinan Portakal
Sinan Portakal
I am getting this too. I am used private proxy and clearly followed the guide. Anyone find solution?
To convert images to base64 doesn't solve,. Still safari doesn't create images on first render. I need to create canvas there are how many images in element, times. If images...
I am looking for a solution too. **onPageLoad : true** wasn't help me too.
I am continuing to research. An error occured at returning as a result of the request to get the csrf_cookie from Instagram. It will be necessary to update the function...
How we can get csrf again? Do you have any idea?
I found a way; Use this `preg_match('/\\\"csrf_token\\\":\\\"(.*?)\\\"/', $html, $matches);` instead of `preg_match('/window\._sharedData\s?=(.+);/', $html, $matches);` at Login.php:73 This gets csrf_token as variable $matches[1] `$csrf_token = $matches[1]` Then use in try/catch block...