
Results 35 comments of spookyuser

I would also really like this feature, in the mean time you can kind of naively use regex to remove the hash in the key but not the value with...

Yeah I'll take a look 😄

Hey @codingwithchris sorry it's not working for you. If you want I can take a look at your AssetManifest config I definitely have a working project with this (super hacky)...

np @codingwithchris. So I checked your code sample and I think the problem is that your svg is saving as [sprite.svg](https://github.com/CreativeFuse/aa.cf.core/blob/feature/advanced-asset-handling/themes/fuse/webpack.config.js#L119). I don't know if you've tried naming it `sprite.min.[hash:6].svg`....

This happened to me on linux what I had to do was actually install libffi and then uninstall, reinstall pyenv installations from this stackoverflow answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/60374453/1649917 ```bash sudo apt-get install...

Oops forgot that i hadn't installed jupyterlab on my instance, after I did that it worked!

Just wanted to say, thank you so much for adding my project [hacker reads](https://github.com/spookyuser/hacker-reads) to the list ♥ I only found out about this list yesterday and was about to...

This is so interesting: I think I have a similar issue, or maybe not, but the clustering step in HDBscan seems to take almost 2x longer on [railway.app](railway.app) than on...

Omg this would be amazing! My pods are super unhappy with me when the same ip is directed to different pods during the same session, do you think I could...