Sylvain Giroux
Sylvain Giroux
Another crash report on Firefox 56 can be found here :
Adding to the comment of @Kelderic , I've created a PR that fix all the warnings for me. You can take a look at it and change the files locally...
Yeah... Last updates were 3 years ago. The pull request should at least help others having the same issue.
I stand corrected. The PR has been merged back and npm has been updated to 0.2.0 which include the fix. @zonak This issue can be closed.
You can use the blend effect to do so. Put your chroma output on the top layer and your image on the bottom. const image = new Image(); image.crossOrigin =...
While a lot of threads on different websites say otherwise, toDataURL() is now asynchronous (at least on Chrome) : You can fix this using a promise/callback instead of a...