
Results 9 issues of spitzbubchen

The kama indicator works halfway through my data set then suddenly stops giving only NaNs afterwords. I am using it as: ``` ta_kama = KAMAIndicator(close=df['close']) df['kama'] = ta_kama.kama() ``` The...

My Quantopian code uses: ``` from quantopian.pipeline.data import morningstar from quantopian.pipeline.filters.morningstar import IsPrimaryShare ``` What is the equivalent with pipeline-live? Note that I have an Alpaca account.

For `from pipeline_live.data.alpaca.factors import SimpleMovingAverage, AverageDollarVolume` I get the following errors: ``` No name 'SimpleMovingAverage' in module 'pipeline_live.data.alpaca.factors'pylint(no-name-in-module) No name 'AverageDollarVolume' in module 'pipeline_live.data.alpaca.factors'pylint(no-name-in-module) ```

For a model: ``` class Task(db.Document): frequency = db.StringField(choices = (('daily', 'Daily'), ('monthly', 'Monthly'), ('yearly', 'Yearly')), verbose_name = 'Frequency') ``` And a form: ``` form = model_form(Task, FlaskForm, field_args =...

It would be nice if FileField was supported in wtforms.

I need to filter a select menu showing only groups in a user's company. With sqlalchemy there was the QuerySelectField, however, this does not seem to be available in flask-mongoengine....


It would be nice to express this as a hidden field.

type: enhancement

Can an example be provided on how to submit a futures order.

Maybe you want to include Celery in the next version of flask-starter?