Sarfaraj K PIRJADE
Sarfaraj K PIRJADE
I tried to assign certificate to IWS application App name : QIBM_HTTP_SERVER_DFTIWSASRV but getting error The parameter [1]: Parameter value is not valid. Is it possible to assign certificate with...
I am trying to renew a certificate using DCMRENEWCMD. It calls Api callQycdRenewCertificate_RNWC0300 but fails with error "parameterList[4] (null): Parameter value is not valid." Forth parameter is ErrorCodeParameter ec. Dont...
Hello, Do you anyway to upload certificate on IBMi using ansible?
Hello, Am using this ansible module to get spool data but it fails with error "Error occurred when run command : iconv -f IBM-000 -t UTF-8 /TMP/.TXT, error:cannot open converter...
Normally in Our daily activities we need to see multiple reports generated by a job. Current parameters list of ibmi_spooled_file_data module does contain spool name but it can select only...