Spirin Vladimir
Spirin Vladimir
In case _targetDna > 10**6 than we going to have new zombies with probably duplicated dna. IMHO better restrict to accept only valid dna then support invalid cases.
There are two tests which already cover this code base: 'should accept millisecond timeout' 'should accept string timeout' Both passed - ok.
Dear Alexander, During my last update from your branch I've found new function "popMax" for remove rightest node. So now we have fully completed API for removing rightest and leftest...
This alias brings user a faster way to understand setup. IMHO run-script is npm atavism.
Array.prototype.filter don't change array, no reason to execute `[...items]` https://github.com/l2beat/l2beat/blob/ee8b7830b8b1f133a4519034a16709988e44245e/packages/frontend/src/components/table/filters/FiltersWrapper.tsx#L22