Bhavya Bhatt
Bhavya Bhatt
Implement detailed features for expanding universe metric and simulate geodesics for the same. Along with geodesics calculation, show signature plots for energy shifts.
Implement pp-wave metric and solve geodesics equation. Further improve upon this implementation to simulate for gravitational waves metric and their characteristic signatures for simple matter distribution.
The implementation of numerical methods that would be used to simulate and solve Einstein's field equation for arbitrary stress-energy-momentum tensor field and obtain numerical values of metric tensor on a...
One of the task for implementing hypersurface is to solve for null geodesics for the embedding metric and obtain trajectories on this hypersurface to simulate gravitaional lensing effect on the...
Currently the hypersurface module is written with c=1 units but for further integration with other modules of the library introduce G and c values in the expressions and appropriately scale...
Improve upon an existing code for hypersurface embedding in schwarzschild geometry and implement methods to add features like: - Plots to include asymptotically large radial distance to visualise gravitational lensing...
Implement KNN, KSG, KDE and Parzen Windom estimation methods in information bottleneck module.
Base implementations for HSIC networks is available. Using that implement HSIC sigma networks as a classifier.
Implementations for Deep variational information bottleneck encoders and other related models.
Throughout the code there are comments as - ** NOTE - This can be done in parallel ! Which means that the loop can be done in parallel with instruction...