Attached is the info for the Lego movie. [lego_dump.txt](https://github.com/JasonMillward/Autorippr/files/46887/lego_dump.txt)
And here's Avatar: [avatar_dump.txt](https://github.com/JasonMillward/Autorippr/files/46892/avatar_dump.txt)
Turns out that I was wrong about the Lego movie. It's 3D track is on a separate disc and autorippr appears to handle it just fine (I haven't tried playback...
Sorry for the delay... > It should properly handle this error, log and report it, but skip over and ignore the exception Yes, that's what it usually does. Even though...
Sorry for the long time to respond. That sounds like an interesting and useful project. Let me know what I can do to help you write a picty collection that...
Not entirely surprised this doesn't work on Mac. The XmlRpc Library that I am using is pretty old and Apple isn't known for its legacy support. I will look into...
That's on the todo list too. On Feb 4, 2016 9:28 AM, "Easior Lars" [email protected] wrote: > It sounds nice. It would be pretty good if you could improve build...
Should still be usable. Maybe needs some updates for python3. On Jan 28, 2018 11:35 AM, "Baron Leonardo" wrote: > no commits since like 3 years, I wonder if this...
It is done on a thread... (but threads in python aren't very good because of the GIL) Is the app really frozen? Sometimes there is a race condition between the...
And not a network drive?