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Fork and adaptation to webalbums
I just discovered Picty and I'm thinking about using it as a front-end to my WebAlbums photo collection database. As a first pass, I think I'll keep the existing java server and communicate with it by HTTP, then I'll integrate it as a Python module. My goal is to get a simpler UI than my web interface, but also get rid of the huge appserver that hosts the webapp.
Maybe a first step would be to port Picty to Gtk-3 (and maybe PY3 at the same time)? I can't get osmgpsmap to work, because what I installed doesn't support Gtk-2 ...
I'll try to work as much as possible with the plugin interface, but I'm sure I'll have to touch to the core codebase sooner or later.
Let me know what you think about it :)
Sorry for the long time to respond. That sounds like an interesting and useful project. Let me know what I can do to help you write a picty collection that interfaces with your webalbums collections. The ones in modules/picty/collectionstypes should help to get you started.
Re osmgpsmap, the plugin should just fail silently, so I don't think you need to remove it from the project. If that's not true, then there's a bug that needs fixing.
Re Gtk3, that's the next big change I need to make, but it's quite a bit of work.
Btw, there's a lot of cruft in the sources that I've never gotten around to cleaning up (e.g. print statements instead of the logging in modules/picty/logger.py). Apologies in advance...