
Results 6 comments of spider

> Did you add relevant `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config` dependency? For some specific user manual, you can refer to [the docs](https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/blob/2021.x/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/nacos-example/nacos-config-example/readme-zh.md). yes,the project can run normal in IDEA.

I find the reason of exception that someone wrote a Chinese comment in the Nacos configuration file. I delete the Chinese comment and then it is OK. But this is...

> > I find the reason of exception that someone wrote a Chinese comment in the Nacos configuration file. I delete the Chinese comment and then it is OK. But...

> Which line you deleted? I don't think Chinese comment can cause that. I deleted this line. # 相同配置下优先使用本地配置 (注:需在nacos上配置才生效!)

红米note7 android9 华为荣耀V10 android9 都有白圈问题 @JoshLipan