@nealus thanks for answer here is my flexlayout configuration ``` "layout" : { "type": "row", "children" : [ { "type" : "tabset", "id" : "myCanvas", "children" : [ "type" :...
i tried to add a tab object into json (pushed border.children) programmatically, but whole FlexLayout components being rendered. I just want to add new tab without refresh whole FlexLayout components
> Have you tried using: Actions.addNode(newNodeJson, toNodeId, location, index)? Yes, addNode doesn't working for Border
@N8th8n8el thank you :)
@wallaceturner thanks
ok. i found a refresh solution (I searched inside the model _proto_) below code works well ``` myModel.getBorderSet().getBorders()[0]._setSelected(1) myModel.doAction(Actions.Actions.updateModelAttributes(JSON.stringify(myModel.toJSON()))) ```
> you can use myModel.doAction(Action.selectTab(idOfSecondTab)) where your second tab has > id: idOfSecondTab (it's the id not the name of the tab) i already tried below code but doesn't worked...
> or at least have the ability to turn the glass on/off? hi, if you want to hide glass in style/dark.css style.light.css find `.flexlayout__drag_rect {` class and change `display:flex `...
> how to change the background? yes how to ?