I'm using pi3 with ps3 eyetoy usb camera, has 4 chan mic. I get some more output: pi@raspberrypi:~/picam-1.4.7-4ch-binary $ ./picam --alsadev hw:1,0 -c 4 created state dir: ./state created hooks...
now that i have been able to install (raspbian, nc 21.0.4) following [this]( when starting i get an error, nothing in logs: `sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/nextcloud/occ recognize:classify Classifying photos...
same error here on pi4, nextcloud 23.0.2, Apache/2.4.38, PHP 7.3.31-1~deb10u1, Recognize 1.11.0 cli, run classify command results in error: /occ recognize:classify-images 10711 => '/var/data/admin/files/Video/Wyjazd.Integracyjny 2011 DVDRip.XviD-BiDA FILM POLSKI Upload zaloga...
same issue here, working on nextcloud 22.1.0, Linux 5.13.9-arch1-1 x86_64; php 8.0.9; mariadb 10.6.4; nginx 1.20.1-1; no external storage being used > TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int * string /var/lib/nextcloud/apps/maps/vendor/lsolesen/pel/src/PelIfd.php...