Justin K Hong
Justin K Hong
Please include your app's build.gradle file.
Perhaps this is related to [issue 25](https://github.com/google/play-services-plugins/issues/25)? Do the POM files of the missing dependencies have licenses tags?
@MitjaHenner have you tried specifying your other module dependencies like this: `implementation project(path: ':submodule', configuration: 'default')`? See [issue 25](https://github.com/google/play-services-plugins/issues/25).
This issue should probably be filed with the cordova-support-google-services project: https://github.com/chemerisuk/cordova-support-google-services
Since google-services.json is expected to be in a specific place, could your task write the generated file to that expected place?
Try adding `jcenter()` to your list of repositories.
In reproducing this issue myself, I saw that retrofit2 and okhttp3 were missing from my generated third_party_license_metadata file as well, in a regular one-module project, so I don't think it's...
Can you paste what you used, so I can try to reproduce on my end?
What are the values of `Versions.PLAY_SERVICE` and `Versions.SUPPORT_LIBRARY`?
I haven't gotten around to trying, but certainly a demo project would help.