Spencer Corwin
Spencer Corwin
In the past we've had issues where users report that their transaction is in the mempool seemingly forever. We have to restart the nodes in order to clear the mempool...
In the Neo repo you'll see that they serialize and deserialize the manifest in an odd way. So I had to create special manifest methods called `serializeWireBaseForNeo` and `serializeWireForNeo`. And...
The contract manifest definition includes a field called "trusts" which is not checked by the Preview3 ApplicationEngine, so for Neo3-Preview3 the NEO•ONE compiler can just set `trusts` to be a...
Until recently we supported JS semantics for when using an object/array as a key in a map and entry in a set. The same object assigned to two different variables...
Link to our YouTube channel on our NEO•ONE website (and possibly NT too).
We should have a page on our website that links to news articles and videos that mention or demonstrate NEO•ONE (and maybe NT too). For example: https://neonewstoday.com/development/introducing-neo-one-a-new-all-in-one-dapp-development-suite/ https://neonewstoday.com/events/ngd-seattle-coz-and-neo-one-to-participate-in-reimagine-2020-virtual-conference/ We can...
When the docs navigation bar is fully expanded and overflows the viewport you can't scroll within the var bar to see below. Make this change to 2.x branch as well.
CALL opcode isn't implemented correctly in our Neo2 VM implementation. In the C# VM the alt stack is not copied over to the new execution context when the CALL instruction...