Peter Thaleikis

Results 109 comments of Peter Thaleikis

Closing this for now. Please open a new issue when it still is an issue.

As mentioned in the other ticket, I like my magic methods ;)

The question of the cache was stopped me too. I was actually thinking of storing a file/set of files somewhere to avoid handling the questions of integration, especially with simple...

Hey @tacman, Have you made progress implementing a cache? I've seen this [commit]( and was wondering if we can get a framework agnostic-solution working. I'd still try to avoid injecting...

Alternatively either [spatie/url]( or [thephpleague/uri]( could replace jeremykendall/php-domain-parser. I still need to confirm if the libs are suitable for the job tho.

For now we are using league/uri for URL processing, with this the subdomain-specific filtering has been dropped.

> I'm going to be working on Blueprint in [my live streams]( during the month of October. I will start with this. Nice, subscribed :muscle:

Freshly rebased @ziadoz

As of now it's not interested to be printed. A bookmark gets you the latest and greatest with every click ;)

Hey @alexeymezenin I'm Peter, a fellow Laravel/PHP dev. I've been working with Laravel since 2015 and PHP since 2005. I could help out if you are interested. Let me know...