Jure Speh
Jure Speh
I was wondering if anyone has successfully implemented iOS background reading in Flutter. Doing this requires some native code, and it's challenging for me to find any useful resources. Has...
> Hi everyone. Any development on this item? I had to implement it on my own. I wrote some iOS native code and used method channels.
@HenriqueMatias I wrote it from scratch in AppDelegate.swift
I also have this problem with [script executor example](https://github.com/zauberzeug/nicegui/tree/main/examples/script_executor). Error is: `in _make_subprocess_transport raise NotImplementedError`
I found a workaround using this code in main.py of the `script executor` example: ```py import subprocess sync def run_command(command: str) -> None: '''Run a command in the background and...
Thanks, you're right @rodja, it's blocking but I couldn't find better solution. I used this code to test if `create_subprocess_exec ` works on Windows: ```py import asyncio async def test_create_subprocess():...
@rodja I can confirm that with `ui.run(reload=False)` the original example works as expected.