Pekka Piippo
Pekka Piippo
I had a look at the gcode lastest Cura Beta produces: - TOOL CHANGE gcode is in wrong position, the actual Tn gocde is before the comment. Not a big...
No problem. I'm ok with submitting an enhancement request, kinda interested to see how Cura fares against other slicers.
The TOOL CHANGE comment is a remnant from the beginning of filaswitch development and isn't necessary, I'll probably remove handling for in from code anyways. In other slicers (S3D, Slic3r...
I'll re-check the tool change comment positioning; I tried it on some beta-vserion of Cura. Also might've configured it wrong, can't remember the details anymore. - Gantry system: filaswitch checks...
I'm actually working on a gcode parser that doesn't need the settings in the gcode file, got fed up after Slic3r did some things that broke the Slic3r layer parser......
Roger. Current WIP code is in genericparser-branch, not usable yet but has the basics for parsing the gcode. About Cura: installed the latest version, having problems with changing retraction length...
Branch generic-parser has now code that seems to process Cura-sliced files ok. I haven't printed any of the files yet, but I'll try one tonight/tomorrow. Also only Cura works ATM....
Ok more rant: why does Cura add unnecessary tool change to the beginning of a file? I sliced a model that uses T1 and T2, but Cura still adds T0...
Haven't noticed that, at least yet.But some odd movements now and then, head moving to areas where it shouldn't be and messing up the print with blobs of wrong colors....
@paukstelis : sounds interesting, I've also been thinking about how to go about implementing tool changing. Nothing concrete, too much other projects going on... > > > > I've seen...