Pekka Piippo
Pekka Piippo
Improved the infill printing, tower z should follow model z more closely now. Not tested, however...
Need more details, example gcode
Ok I'll test this in include it in if it seems to be working properly.
4.1.2 works fine, I have done few prints with it. Not sure about 5.0, I don't have any knowledge about it.
I remember seeing something liek this a while back and it was a Marlin confguration, might've been just that TOOLCHANGE_ZRAISE. Got it fixed, can't remember how
That's unfortunate, I know the feeling when long print fails at the end... There are few options already: - in advanced tab, select tower position Left or Right. Both rotate...
OK, in that case left/right positioning won't work. The positioning logic doesn't understand empty spaces well enough, it just checks min and max coordinates in x and y directions. Might...
Hmm, interesting. Yes it's possible but requires some work. Will require more thorough analysis of the gcode and some calculation about infill length and if additional purge is needed...
That's true. The implementation would still need purge tower as backup location for cases when there's not enough infill for the purge. Other possibility that I've thought about is using...
I'll need to check how the gcode looks. If Cura saves the print settings to the gcode as comments, that will help a lot. If all settings can be parsed...