That would be really helpful actually, I’d be willing to slog through all the frame data to help people out (cause I don’t have much else to do anyway, and...
From what I just recorded, it seems the script isn't able to actually make everything correct. Movement all over the place, storing the frames of the idle (? I think?),...
Update: All framedata is being successfully recorded. So far, I'm up to Gouki, and adjusting his metadata to make the moves that are lows and overheads actually lows and overheads....
Ultra Sean goes under Gill, which I found kind of funny. Also, here's a link to the rom. https://mega.nz/file/gaxQXJCD#wkzJZXN8XHpBwEh73TPYJGB5jDuGdnoQ8TLTV0pTn9g
Yes, it does. Also, a quick thing to note, in 4SAE, there are some moves that inflict a Guard Crush, as in they can't be blocked. Is it possible to...
So a little update about what I’ve been doing, the framedata recording is going well, apart from a few moves that need to be fixed a little bit. I’d like...
Framedata recording is almost done! Well, for the characters I can actually record right now. Still waiting for the Gill fix, but I’m not too worried about it ^^ I...
All framedata recording is now complete! I do need some help on a few moves though. Alex's Air Stampede (dummy does not parry or block in time, I know it's...