I've done exactly that, but I am not sure why it should be necessary to do so - the package should work out of the box to support the functionary...
@jonagoldman I think you must be misunderstanding what the issue is here, because what you said above does not relate to it in any way. This issue has nothing to...
@Maixck That was a specific issue with sqlite driver, and it's fixable by overriding the model. What I am describing on the other hand is across many RDBMs, and it...
I use postgres, and I've never had this issue, how old is your postgres driver?
I was going to fork this project in my org, but if someone else has already done it and is committed to maintaining and developing it, even better. Can you...
Tymon generally does quite a bit of work on it, possibly he's a bit busy. It may be good to appoint some community team members who could manage PRs.
Yeh I agree, in this situation and for a package this popular, ideally there should be a team of people so if one person becomes unavailable for some period, the...
@MathiasReker tplease look at as this project is no longer maintained.
I feel like the package needs a separate fork, I don't think the maintainers are interested in maintaining it nor handing it over to someone who does.
@riteshkhatri you can use tag v1.0.6