APDS-9960_RGB_and_Gesture_Sensor copied to clipboard
Gesture Sensor example not working with Attiny84(1)
Tested with v1.1.5 of https://github.com/SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore
Arduino Uno works with level converters Attiny85 works when using 3.3v and 5v w/ level converter.
Attiny84 and Attiny841 do not work at 3.3v or at 5v w/ level converter.
Attiny84(1) do work with color sense examples.
@Michael-Bell Hmmm, I'm vaguely aware of an issue occurring when you have both Dave Mellis and Spence Konde's ATTiny core's installed, could you uninstall the Dave Mellis core? Also, could you provide your code/schematic so I can take a look?