APDS-9960_RGB_and_Gesture_Sensor copied to clipboard
Breakout board for the Avago APDS-9960 proximity, light, RGB, and gesture sensor, made by SparkFun Electronics.
SparkFun APDS-9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor
SparkFun APDS-9960 Breakout Board (SEN-12787)
This is the SparkFun RGB and Gesture Sensor, a small breakout board with a built in APDS-9960 sensor that offers ambient light and color measuring, proximity detection, and touchless gesture sensing. With this RGB and Gesture Sensor you will be able to control a computer, microcontroller, robot, and more with a simple swipe of your hand!
Repository Contents
- /Hardware - Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
- /Libraries - Libraries for use with the SparkFun APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor
- /Production - Production panel files (.brd)
- Quickstart Guide - Basic hookup guide for the sensor.
- Library/README - Arduino library for the SparkFun_APDS9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor.
- SparkFun Fritzing repo - Fritzing diagrams for SparkFun products.
- SparkFun 3D Model repo - 3D models of SparkFun products.
Product Versions
- SEN-12787 - APDS-9960 RGB and Gesture Sensor
Version History
- V_H1.0_L1.4.2 - Fixing library name compiliation error.
- V_H1.0_L1.4.1 - Fixing minor typos in both library and hardware files.
- V_1.1.1 - Updated to new tag syntax
- V11 - Updated to new library structure
- v10 - Release
- v01
License Information
This product is open source!
The hardware is released under Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International.
The code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful, please buy us a round!
Please use, reuse, and modify these files as you see fit. Please maintain attribution to SparkFun Electronics and release anything derivative under the same license.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
- Your friends at SparkFun.