In this example when search 'MN 55102' within 10 miles it's fine. but if i increase the max distance to 40 miles, the map should zoom out so that...
Wonder how to get around with the problem that quantity is now integer only. that's a problem when client is selling things in cubic metres. For example, if someone buy...
It looks like this line 48 in silvershop-core/src/Forms/ShopAccountForm.php ' $member->Password = ''; //prevents password field from being populated with encrypted password data /' needs to be commented out. Otherwise, it...
the canEdit / canDelete / canCreate/canView methods need to be defined in the Variation class as content-authors can't work on variation. Currently a way to work around it is to...
I need to add Middle Name because client insists he needs it. He has customers with same first and surname. but the Order class has no hooks on it to...
I think this module is much better than the Elemental module. It's much easier to use and configure. You can use yml to define many areas. It's excellent. I really...