Spiros Papadimitriou
Spiros Papadimitriou
Was porting some code that uses `requests` + `requests_mock` to `aiohttp` + `aioresponses`, which occasionally uses `requests_mock.ANY` when adding requests to mocker object. `aiohttp` already defines the `aiohttp.hdrs.METH_ANY` constant (defined...
PyPy3 does not seem to like type annotations in assignments (although it's ok with function/method annotations). As a result, if `pypy3` is installed on the system, `/usr/bin/pypy3compile` is invoked, which...
Add lamp on/off timers, possibly emulating old X10 button interface: repeatedly tapping "On" increments an off timer interval; for on timers, configure presets via web UI, and cycle through them...
Write HTML for light control web UI; API endpoints already there (untested).
Update UI screen to display current weather conditions.
Minifier (css-html-js-minify.py) does not really support HTML with embedded JS; current minified settings.html is broken.
Use SPIFFS for static content; put CSS and JS into separate files.
Sort out the AP->AP+STA->STA transitions and make initial setup work more smoothly. Currently, it's either AP or STA, until reboot. Disconnecting from the soft-AP got the station i/f to hang?