
Results 91 comments of Spanner_Man

AFAIK ComputerCraft in 1.7.10 cannot tell the difference between two conflicting script versions (a "1.7.10" script/s vs a "1.12.x" script/s). In newer versions of ComputerCraft it *may*, unsure/unknown as I...

Further testing shows that nice is only applied if the conversion process is started via WebUI/VNC. I see that the process `/usr/bin/ghb --config /config` has a nice value of 19...

Thanks. When you want feedback please let me know so I can test/report. If fixed I can close this issue.

> Hey guys. Anyone knows why Handbrake doesn't work in chrome? Works for me ![Capture]( > Did you actually read the readme? > After this I get...

> I guess it's not just me: > So you take a talking head video that was uploaded on the - wait for it - **31 Mar 2020**, which...

No this wouldn't work for Linux native games. For example - using lgogdownloader; ``` lgogdownloader --version LGOGDownloader 3.7.e43d1c4 lgogdownloader --list --game neverwinter Getting game names (4/4) 14 / 14 neverwinter_nights_2_complete...

> Before to complain it does not work, try it please : My **actual** comment proved that I just did & showed. _Ugh_. Secondly - are you going to pay...

> Your previous command does not prove anything, you didn't try to install the game ... Yes I did, not my fault that you couldn't guess that EOL was actual...

URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set. Many of modern days browsers step in and convert unsafe ASCII characters automatically - that is why they...

``` --2017-12-13 08:43:51-- Resolving ( Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 75639 (74K) [application/java-archive] Saving to: ‘OnlinePicFrame v1.4.14 mc1.12.2.jar’ OnlinePicFrame...