Daniel Spangenberg

Results 6 comments of Daniel Spangenberg

@Flauschbaellchen I'm using [verdaccio-gitlab-ci](https://github.com/lab360-ch/verdaccio-gitlab-ci/) for this in addition to verdaccio-gitlab. I only had to configure verdaccio-gitlab-ci before verdaccio-gitlab in the auth section. For npm-cli-login I'm doing then this: ``` npm...

I just tested with Vault Version 1.3.2 on Windows 10 Home with SQLServer running on a different host with mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-CU17-ubuntu container. I got no connection problems at all. Closing this...

As @kevinpgrant pointed out correctly, that `~/.aws/credentials` should not contain the `source_profile` and/or `role_arn`; instead, it belongs inside the `~/.aws/config`. Nevertheless, I verified that the bug still exists and needs...

We haven't heard back regarding this issue in over 29 days. To try and keep our GitHub issues current, we'll be closing this issue in approximately seven days if we...

Sorry, didn't mean to put the comment there. Too many open tabs, please ignore it.

Skipped `AWS::Config::ResourceCompliance` resource because it isn't available in V2 SDK