> You probably didn't switch the jumper between POWER SUPPLY and USB. Why you need to connect usb while it's going? > My guess is that he wants to send...
The element D3 burned out on the board. Why is this happening? Four SKR 1.3 boards have already burned so badly for me. Perhaps low-quality components for these boards are...
Is it possible for such a configuration to work? MKS Robin Nano V3.0 + H43 fw 1.30 + Serial Communication + USB support (no WiFi, no MKS TS35 V2.0) Unfortunately,...
I ran this firmware on Robin Nano V3, which you kindly posted in the public domain: > > FULLY functional firmware for Robin nano v3.0 + H43 fw 1.30...
I have also tried this firmware. And I found that it also had this problem. > MKS Robin nanov3.0+H43+WIFI+TS35v2.0+ext Drivers (MKSservo57B)+USB support+Serial Communication(repetier,CNCjs, etc...) Printer stops when printing from Repeater...
It seems that increasing the size of the buffers should help.