Wojciech Kaczmarski

Results 36 issues of Wojciech Kaczmarski

We have recently updated the M17 protocol's specification document. SDRangel has issues with decoding packets. Could you apply a few minor adjustments to the code to accommodate for that? The...


**Features** - Add a value entry field (or a drop-down list) to set the CAN number. An additional tick box can be used to allow for monitoring all CANs. -...


>Packet superframes are composed of a 1..n byte data type specifier, 0..797 bytes of payload data. I believe the value should be updated to `33*25-3=822`.


Link Setup Data* must remain the same over the course of a superframe, and receivers should only reassemble the LSD chunks from within a single superframe. *naming convention - LSF...


Right now it's `.rrc` just because the pulse shaping filter used in the protocol is square-root raised cosine. In the future we might want to use a different one, so...

Corrected TYT MD-380 PWM compensator IIR filter's gain and improved the way to store its taps in code (no more compile-time division, improved readability).

AES support is missing in M17 implementation. What is required: - a menu entry for key input and length selection (or automatic detection, if possible) - use of [tiny-AES-c](https://github.com/kokke/tiny-AES-c) or...


A piece of code would provide an additional menu entry showing peak-to-peak voltage value for the incoming signal. That would make having a scope not necessary to tune the input...


Needs an update.
