Florian "sp1rit"

Results 92 comments of Florian "sp1rit"

Yeah, I managed to get it working :D. The only thing that i'm missing is some kind of shadow around that thing, a click signal and to actually render the...

So, I've done some more testing, and I've found something that works. ```xml (?)(?<![\$\\])\$(?!\$) (?<!\$)\$ (?)\$\$(?![\$\\]) (?<!\$)\$\$ ``` ML LaTeX is centering itselfs tho. I'm guessing cLaTeXMath is doing this....

> The centering happens as a consequence of being multiline? I would've thought that it depends on $$ vs. $. (I'll look into it shortly.) Never-mind what I said, that...

> I just committed a battery of fixes to proximity widget handling, which hopefully should get rid of most cases of stray [X] boxes being displayed. Verdict is still out...

> If someone wants to make a PR for a .desktop file and whatever it takes to make it use @thomaskole's icon, I would be very thankful :) Will do...

guess I ran out of space in the first one should close #84 replaces part of #59 partly contributes to #96

Prebuilts are listed in the README, Windows builds are available (altho quite big) as GHA actifacts: https://github.com/blackhole89/notekit/actions/workflows/windows.yml For search, the idea is currently to use unix tools like g/re/p, but...

you click the latest build (the one on the top). It shows you the result of the action run and under the "artifacts" section a "[NoteKit - Windows x86_64 nightly...

> unable to see the search window or dialog or text window to search because there is none? As I've said > An in-application search is being tracked in [#71](https://github.com/blackhole89/notekit/issues/71)...

try building commit 18b708da752c17deeef5129166b922cbd43fa8c6. The way the sidebar color is handled got changed recently and it doesn't work that well for a lot of themes.