Sovan Jana

Results 5 issues of Sovan Jana

Can anyone help me if I want to use clockpicker without jQuery.

in the **ListItem.d.ts** types defined for activated is **boolean** but i'm getting warning for it. `export interface ListItemProps extends React.HTMLProps, ListItemContextShape { checkboxList?: boolean; radioList?: boolean; tag?: string; activated?: boolean;...

This library is really great but surprisingly I have not found a single solution about how it works with react js. **Need help.**

### Moment-timezone version which you use: Version: latest _Note: many issues are resolved if you just upgrade to the latest version_ ### Issue description: gives us the result as...

**Graphql query -** ``` allShopifyProduct { edges { node { id images { id originalSrc localFile { childImageSharp { resolutions(width: 500, height: 300) { ...GatsbyImageSharpResolutions_withWebp } } } } }...