Using a proper defined cleanup function like ``` t.Cleanup(func () { // do sth }) ``` is more explicit than just ``` defer func () { // do sth }...
This is an automated pull request generated by [this run]( Learn more about our GitHub Actions for managing licenses [here]( You're safe to merge this pull request when the required...
## :rotating_light: The automated release from the `master` branch failed. :rotating_light: I recommend you give this issue a high priority, so other packages depending on you could benefit from your...
Update `fmt.Errorf` calls to use `%w` instead of `%s`.
Using a proper defined cleanup function like ``` t.Cleanup(func () { // do sth }) ``` is more explicit than just ``` defer func () { // do sth }...
This is a changeset created by a campaign. It runs go fmt to make sure all our repos are following the Go preferred codestyle. When repos are out of sync...