Sourav Prem
Sourav Prem
The batch file worked for me once ..but now when i am running the same batch file it does not produce the docs folder.. Any help plz
@jdoose "The syntax of the command is incorrect."
@jdoose Okay so after trying so many things when i removed the node modules folder from my project it finally worked ...probably too long filename was causing the error..can you...
@jdoose this is the result when i run the batch file from the terminal C:\Users\Prem\Desktop\yoga_app>set LIST=".\app.js" ".\config\asana_function.js" ".\config\chgpass.js" ".\config\favorites_fun.js" ".\config\loginFun.js" ".\conf ig\logout_function.js" ".\config\options_functions.js" ".\config\signup_1.js" ". \config\signup_2.js" ".\models\asana_model.js" ".\models\aspirations.js" ".\mode ls\check_for_user_validation.js"...
@jdoose when i removed the node modules from the project ,the output was C:\Users\Prem\Desktop\yoga_app>set LIST=".\app.js" ".\config\asana_function.js ".\config\chgpass.js" ".\config\favorites_fun.js" ".\config\loginFun.js" ".\co ig\logout_function.js" ".\config\options_functions.js" ".\config\signup_1.js" \config\signup_2.js" ".\models\asana_model.js" ".\models\aspirations.js" ".\mo ls\check_for_user_validation.js" ".\models\disease_cure.js" ".\models\option_m...