Results 12 issues of Soundar

Need to provide multiple range support in a single slider, and each range should be work independent. Check the below screenshot for reference: ![image]( **Note:** with the current version its...

Currently while drag the handle, the handle's face also rotated based on angle. when we place an image inside the handle at that time the image becomes inverted. So need...

new feature

To achieve the clock like appearance, the current behavior doesn't suitable since where the start and end points are same. Need a behavior like, then end point should end at...

Need an option to show the tick marks and numbers around the slider. Requested from here:

new feature

Some class names are used similar to the common names such in "bottom", "top", "half", "full" and so on. In application level there are possibilities to use these class names,...

behavior changes

Currently the round slider supports the single dial option only (that means starting 0 degree to 360 degree). Similar. need to provide the multiple dial option. So that any one...

new feature

Need to provide a way to use roundSlider as basic color picker, so that there is no need of any additional plugin. This requirement can be provided as a add-on...


Need to provide the option to drag the slider bar (range area) by clicking on it, so while drag the range the complete range value will be modified. Please find...

Currently the default slider support support single handle only. Here need to provide option to add / remove additional handles with the slider. [Note: If possible we can consider this...

Currently the slider support the linear step increment only, in some cases it would be better for non linear increment support.

new feature