Soumith Chintala

Results 269 comments of Soumith Chintala

I agree that streaming of phone's 6dof odometry is completely independent of FaceID depth maps. > Record3D currently uses ARKit for access to LiDAR data (hence the availability of estimated...

> I'm not sure if it's possible to have 640x480 px TrueDepth camera stream running via AVCaptureSession (which is what Record3D does now) and also having an ARKit ARWorldTrackingConfiguration session...

both documentation additions make sense :) thanks for the suggestions and we welcome a PR (we'll get to it eventually if you dont)

this is what we do, instead of using `auditwheel`: - we unzip the wheel - we copy over the dependencies - we patch the RPATH for these dependencies -...

add the following lines to the end of the imports section, right after: `import torchvision.utils as vutils` ``` if __name__ == '__main__': torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') ```

ideally the script needs to be refactored to push everything into a main() function (that's the original problem)

@soldier828 please give this a try again with the latest pytorch. it works in the CI environment it looks like.