Soumith Chintala

Results 269 comments of Soumith Chintala

@kinoc i really dont think training on TX1 is a good idea, 4GB memory in total between GPU and CPU. Either ways, loadcaffe seems to not be supporting 32-bit ARM,...

@kinoc ok in that case i can figure out the rest of the issues with TX1, but not until a week. My TX1 is at the office, and I leave...

ouch that's painful indeed. I can fix up the torch image loader in the next 7 days (ironically the COCO deadline is tonight). We already have the torch loader do...

just an infrastructure thing

I haven't fully checked whether this particular tensor layout is supported in cudnn, but cudnn supports non-contiguous tensors of certain kinds (for input / output). If I understand this correctly,...

@c-hofer look at You can use the DLPack format which is a cross-framework, well-specified and simple format that we support importing from:

you probably should do: `git submodule update --init --recursive`

fyi SyncBatchNorm added now in PyTorch master via For documentation, see:

Hi @marek-simonik I am running this on an iPhone 12 mini, which doesn't have LiDAR. So, it does report xyz to always be 0, 0, 0. I am wondering why...