Souvik Goswami
Souvik Goswami
No, my friend perhaps you did not understand the point I tried to make. I understand and agree with whatever you have said. 1. But, the problem is with the...
Yes got your point , but my doubt is how using the same mpegV1 (MP4 Base media) file HLS is being served by the VOD module ?. Which is Muxed...
Same here. Below is the log ``` In file included from ../ngx_http_estreaming_module/src/ngx_http_estreaming_module.c:13:0: ../ngx_http_estreaming_module/src/ngx_http_adaptive_streaming.h:15:38: fatal error: libswresample/swresample.h: No such file or directory #include ^ compilation terminated. objs/Makefile:1882: recipe for target 'objs/addon/src/ngx_http_estreaming_module.o'...
Seemed an **ffmpeg** issue, I had removed re-cloned sources and re-built ffmpeg as instructed in ffmpeg-page . But, the issue still persists. any suggestions/help? By the way, following is...
Tried on latest code. Encountered error at another place. ``` In file included from ../ngx_http_estreaming_module/src/ngx_http_estreaming_module.c:13:0: ../ngx_http_estreaming_module/src/ngx_http_adaptive_streaming.h:15:32: fatal error: libavcodec/avcodec.h: No such file or directory #include ^ compilation terminated. objs/Makefile:1882: recipe...
Here are both the configurations, **Your configuration** ``` ./configure --enable-libx264 --enable-static --disable-opencl --extra-ldflags='-L/usr/local/lib -lx264 -lpthread -lm' ---- This line is different --enable-gpl --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-nonfree ``` **My configuration** ``` ./configure --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build"...
As guided, I tried the following ``` CORE_LIBS="$CORE_LIBS -I/home/souvik/ffmpeg_build/include -lswresample -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil -lavcodec -lavfilter -lrt -lswscale -lz -lm -lbz2 -lfdk-aac -lx264" ngx_addon_name=ngx_http_estreaming_module HTTP_AUX_FILTER_MODULES="$HTTP_AUX_FILTER_MODULES ngx_http_estreaming_module" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ggdb -D_DEBUG -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE" NGX_ADDON_SRCS="$NGX_ADDON_SRCS...
Tried your way of installing **ffmpeg** on Ubuntu 15.04. Configure results in error, `ERROR: libx264 not found` Any suggestions ? Tried all suggestions available for the same, but still not...
Finally managed to resolve dependencies for **ffmpeg** correctly, by installing them from Ubuntu packages individually from, But, stuck at different problem now, executing **make** after **config** results in the...
Finally managed to get the module compiled successfully. NGINX startup is normat without error, but getting HTTP 404. Below is the config, ``` user www-data; worker_processes 2; pid /run/; events...