Peter-Josef Meisch
Peter-Josef Meisch
I find this pretty annoying too. And no, I wouldn't run an application as administrator to persist a individual user setting. In the directory ~/.AsciidocFX there is a file _spellcheck_config.json_...
The file is in my home directory, the problem is, that changes in the UI are not persisted, so after a new start of the application, the language for spell...
Hello, what's the state of this? I just tried to use a `record`as entity type in Spring Data Elasticsearch and got ``` 2021-05-01 16:11:20.839 ERROR 77582 --- [nio-9090-exec-5] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet] :...
ok, I have an additional ctor in there which I omitted above, when annotating the compact ctor it works: ``` @Document(indexName = "presidents") public record President( @Id String id, @Field(type...
Not returning an ID when there is no data would break the existing API. >so it is not known whether the data has been deleted. No. When the call returns,...
runtime fields and scripted fields are different things. In Spring Data Elasticsearch scripted fields are currently only available via the `NativeSearchQuery`, this is something that we should change in the...
currently it is not possible to set this. I change this issue to a feature request.
I'll look at this later; please keep in mind, that every change / new implemenation also has to be done for the new Elasticsearch client; therefore I'd prefer to do...
The plan is to have the new client as an alternative in 4.4, the default being the `RestHighLevelClient` although it's deprecated now. We cannot use it as default as it's...
yes, Elasticsearch created the new client to have the dependency on ES-licensed code removed from the client. The new client is Apapche2 licensed, and so are the library that it...