Soren Hannibal
Soren Hannibal
Currently session IDs and user IDs can contain any character - Altspace's current random string generator adds in / for example. While the core SDK doesn't care, it's easy for...
It's a common pattern to have the same material duplicated with different colors - grayMaterial, blueMaterial, greenMaterial etc. However, these require one unique drawcalls per material even if the mesh...
Currently GLTF resources, such as materials, textures, index, and vertex buffers are reused across apps or instances, and if drawn multiple times would automatically be batched by the instance renderer....
It seems our text mesh pro draw calls don't get batched together. We should see if there's a way to get TMP to merge these into a single drawcall.
Design proposal for changes we need to do to the collision layer to be safe for exclusive actors, as well as easier to understand and use, with more clearly defined...
Currently input abstractions are limited to click/grab. With an input solution that switches over to controller-like behaviors, a whole number of arcade games become possible. Even a minimal set of...
This one is hard, but has been requested a couple of times - would it be possible to set a region and constrain all MRE content (geometry, props etc) within...
if you create an actor and assign a group mask for visibility, users not in the group mask sees the actor for a few frames before it disappears. Seen in...
Currently MREs on the server use only one processor - we should support easily using multiple processors (PM2 or other solution)
Currently there's a prototype of 2d "wet ink" (client side ephemeral ink effect to hide latency while server generates persistent geometry) in the MRE testbed, but it was never implemented...