Sorami Hisamoto

Results 9 comments of Sorami Hisamoto

FYI, you can add words using a user dictionary, and there you can set arbitrary costs. This could be an easy ad-hoc method that may be helpful in some situation,...

@polm Thank you for the report. We believe this can be fixed in the same way as this Java Sudachi PR . Let us look into it.

Currently, the one-character ellipsis `…` is analyzed as follows; ``` $ echo … | sudachipy 補助記号,句点,*,*,*,* . 補助記号,句点,*,*,*,* . … 補助記号,句点,*,*,*,* . EOS ``` By applying the fix already applied...

Actually, there is no written specification, as far as I know ... The above is according to the main developer @kazuma-t , and I meant something like "that was what...

> Couldn't you just treat `...` as a single morpheme? It's already an entry in small_lex.csv... Right, it is in the lexicon, so the above result is that the analysis...

(ちなみに問い合わせは日本語でも問題ないです!) Could you tell us how you built the user dictionary, and the piece of code which you got that error? I cannot reproduce your error case; Ideally, we would...

こんにちは! おそらく、Cythonのビルドに関する問題だと思います。 我々の[Slack Workspaceで報告されている事象]( (閲覧には[Slackへの参加](が必要です)と同様のものと思われます。 上記のケースでは、以下の手順で直ったそうです; > 正しい解決方法かは不明ですが、私はBuild Tools for Visual StudioのVisual C++ Build ToolsのWindows 10 SDKをインストールしたところエラーが解消しました。 > > 同様の事例に遭われた方の参考になれば幸いです。 まずは、C++ Build Toolsをインストールして、`SudachiPy` と `dartsclone` (依存しているライブラリ、こちらもCython利用)を再度pip installすれば、直るかもしれません。 また、さらなる調査が必要な場合は、「失敗した」時のエラーメッセージを教えてもらえますか。

Hi, Maybe running the following command ``` $ sudachipy link ``` will reslove the issue. Currently SudachiPy creates a sym link `sudachidict` that links to the actual installed dictionary package...

Hi, Thank you for the notice. That sounds pretty weird. Do you mind sharing us the error message so we can further investigate?