Son Truong Nguyen

Results 28 comments of Son Truong Nguyen

I have the same problem. Can anyone help me?

Hi @Amazingren, please explain to me. Thank you so much.

Hi @Amazingren Thanks for your reply. Can you explain why use Bacthnorm in ```build_conv_block``` and use_bias = InstanceNorm? Hope to hear from you soon.

Hi @Amazingren I have another question. What if I use input F_s is a normal feature map instead of a semantic map in Cross MLP-Mixer block?

Hi @Amazingren Thank you for your reply. Is the first block you mentioned Conv blocks circled in red? ![image](

Thank you for your answer. I have another question. In Figure 3 show activation statistics of different random architectures. Can you tell me how to caculate entropy of those layer...

Thank you for your answer. As I have understood, lower Gram entorpy will cause poorer stylization performance. I have 2 another questions. 1. Lower Gram entropy in deeper layer(Those layer...

I have a question that is out of scope of paper. Can we confirm that for the SOTA classification model (VGG, ResNet, Inception,...) the deeper layers will have higher etropy(activation...

Thank you so much for explaining to me. I really like the idea of your paper so I want to understand it thoroughly. I have understood a lot. Wish you...

Do you implement equations 5-8 from scratch or use a bulid-in module/function? Can you share the code? Thank in advance