FS-UAE is targeted for games and netplay. Consistent images are essential. If you have special use cases, you need special options: If you don't use the gui, just write `writable_floppy_images=1`...
There is nothing wrong with the lha-unarchiver or Amiberry. Whdload gets wrong configuration from the xml file and can't find it's [data directory](https://www.whdload.de/docs/autodoc.html#ws_CurrentDir). If you edit the xml file and...
I re-checked again and, yes, You are right, editing the xml does not work. Amiberry does not set data dir even if provided. (It worked some time ago). Maybe faulty...
@midwan Thanks for the quick fix. Despite this is closed already, some remarks: :-) - Obitus should run fine with fixed data-dir - Battle Isle (+Data Disks): This is a...
No problem, take your time and keep up your excellent work on fs-uae. :-) Some additional info for the patch: Right now the flags are enabled only if the archive...