Son Nguyen Ba
Son Nguyen Ba
My users got this issue. It seems happens to some specific format only: ``` #0 /library/PHPVideoToolkit/FfmpegParserAbstract.php(819): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined offse...', '/...', 819, Array) #1 [internal function]: PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegParserAbstract->getCommands() #2 //library/PHPVideoToolkit/FfmpegParser.php(83): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)...
Hello, Without define any cache_driver, one of my users get this issue while processing the video: `Fatal Error: Can't inherit abstract function PHPVideoToolkit\CacheInterface::isAvailable() (previously declared abstract in PHPVideoToolkit\CacheAbstract) - library/PHPVideoToolkit/CacheAbstract.php:22`
Hello, I followed the example but unable to produce an animated gif. I tryied php, gifsicle and convert. It keeps throwing: ``` [image2 @ 0000000003005520] Could not get frame filename...
In the `parse` method, it does read the schema version from the source file which is working fine. But when users call the `isValid` or `validate` method without specify a...