Dylan Manning
Dylan Manning
Please post a log from C:\Users\\AppData\Local\RePlays\cfg
Basically we need a way to detect Microsoft store apps
Probably caused by RestartRecording detecting a resolution change. Could possibly be fixed by using mkv since you can append to mkv files easily
This should be possible, I've got a few other things I'd rather do before working on this but someone else might take it up.
Leave the issue open so we remember it haha
Under the hood there's no major difference but it makes more sense for us to make them sessions precisely so you can edit them.
I was working on this at one point, ran into some troubles with Google's API. there seems to be essentially no way of doing it without technically violating their API...
When I was working on it the issue I had was storing the API keys. There basically seems to be no way of storing them for distributed applications without violating...