Turn off Alpha Channel.
And that edit you added immediately led to solving the issue.
Also, I wanna specify: do not MERGE changes, REBASE. Case and point: because you merged instead of rebase, when I open the PR on github desktop, the YARG.Core submodule isn't...
Performance wise: yea, that leniency for the first three characters definitely seems to help immensely. It's a shame that the fuzzy search by itself takes so much performance away that...
Now, something quick that may need to be addressed. With this search, unspecified search seems to have flipped the order around in terms of whether matching names come before artists...
Something I unfortunately just realized: we can't use the caching functionality because the list of results can be *drastically* different depending of the string. You can get different sets of...
Ok so... update: [FuzzySharp]('s code is so incredibly inefficient.
no no, I mean I'm optimizing it LOL Well to be exact, optimizing our specific usecase for it.
... you won't need to do that.
> To be exact, when editing at the start of the query, the "cache" becomes the entire search list (i.e. `searches[0]`). This should happen since the query changed at some...