Soner A.

Results 7 issues of Soner A.

[dump_report.txt]( ILSpy crashes immediately after opening it. The crash report is on the link because Github doesn't allow to put such a big dump.

I would like to see columns autofit when looking at results from database. Often I do work with data that are wider than column width and adjusting that manually is...

feature request
wait for response

I got the following errors. How can it be fixed? Thanks. ida version: Version 7.7.220118 Windows x64 (64-bit address size) python command from powershell: Python 3.10.3 (tags/v3.10.3:a342a49, Mar 16 2022,...

Doesn't a .mdx/.mdd file contain ".css" file? When I want to convert it to AppleDict format, always extract same css file. For example, [this link(cambridge)]( and [this link(collins)]( extract same...


Is there any way or option to hide the dock icon of goldendict on mac os? It is a bit annoying as seen on the below image. ![Screenshot 2024-04-19 at...


On mac, I can't copy a selected text while goldendict is open by the known shortcut which Command+C. I need to quit the app to copy it. However, double C...


I'm reading the BigO calculation on page 19, on which, for the worst-case scenario of the inner loop, `n*(n*8)` is given, but for the outer loop, `4n` is given. If...