Sondre Aasemoen

Results 18 issues of Sondre Aasemoen

- [ ] Fix automatic 1Password socket creation

We just got bit by this at work when trying out `rye`, one dependency brought in `pywin32` three levels down and when ran with `rye sync` it's included without environment...

First off, thanks for mlua, it's a great crate and I've used it for a few projects now without much fuzz. I've also been playing around with its Haskell counterpart,...

**Describe the bug** I upgraded from 3.5.0 to 4.1.0 and the container itself fails to spawn because the Ryuk container setup fails. I've tried debugging the issue and it looks...

This is obviously not a problem on your end but I've been unable to figure out how to fix it for myself. I'm writing a CLI tool using `"module": "NodeNext"`...

**Describe the bug** We're setting up our CI in Azure Pipelines for Pulumi and have gotten it to work, however we have been unable to get it to create comments...


Related to #717 and #1053, now that `uv` is the default backend would it be possible to pass the [`--python-platform`]( flag either as configuration or its flag for `sync`/`add` etc?...

Thanks for the project, I was wondering if you'd consider adding different formats of representation for the UUIDs (similar to uniq with `format: :slug`)? I have hacked around it myself...