Sondre Aasemoen

Results 33 comments of Sondre Aasemoen

This is probably a bit late but I've made a generator for Jekyll using Gulp and whatnot: Take a look if you want to. :)

I never really tried Grunt before using Gulp so I don't really know. I don't think there's much difference between them though, the difference would be on the plugins which...

I brought this up on Gitter, what tripped me up was a function that checks that all the needed dependencies are installed exits with 1 if one is missing, which...

Did you figure out a solution @mrjones2014? I see we have the same config of forcing SSH for GitHub and 1Password for SSH, and `:PackerSync` doesn't really work for me....

What’s your settings for reauthentication for SSH in 1Password? Might be we have a difference there.

Stupid question, I'm not all too well versed in Emacs, how do I bind " to nil in the lispy-mode-map? Doing `(define-key lispy-mode-map (kbd "\"") nil)` doesn't do anything.

Thanks you @abo-abo, that worked 😄

Have you tried using the `gulp-rev-replace` plugin instead of `gulp-rev-napkin`? Just curious since the latter hasn't been updated in a while.

I've been using `rev-replace` for a while in my optimizing task and it does exactly what it should, removes the unrevved files and inserts references to the revved ones in...

But that's not really a problem if you properly do the tasks that will fix the assets, I never have non-revved assets in my dist-folder so `gulp-napkin` shouldn't be necessary...