> { "resourceName":"d2_dev_lineage_rave_empty" > } I need to pass above json object in my body. Can you provide an example how it can be done
``` request = sttp .post(uri"") .body("""{"resourceName":"d2_dev_lineage_rave_empty"}""") .contentType("application/json") .headers(headers) .auth.basic(auth.getOrElse("username", ""), auth.getOrElse("password", "")) ``` I tried above code but it gives 400 error code but strangely same endpoint works fine for...
One thing I noted is my request created has below `StringBody`. It has Some(text/plain) whereas in Postman it is configured as "application/json" . Could this be a reason for a...
Looks like there is some bug with sttp. I invoked same REST endpoint with HTTPClient and it worked for me.